What if you walked into 2023 giving yourself the fullest permission to be, do, and have whatever the f* you want?

A rocking business? check.
The bombest relationship with money and an overflow of abundance? check, check.
A super fun dating life, or an epic relationship, or the most adventure-filled single life ever? check, check, CHECK. 

What if you just decided and declared that you were going to get out of your own way and piece by piece, bring your vision board to life?

And if you had all the tools, and the how to’s, and the support, and the kick in the ass community – what could be possible for you this year?

The time has come, beautiful rockstar, to stake claim to the version of you who’s unapologetic about the life she wants to create… and now, there’s a space for you to do it.

Welcome to BoldU.


Get immediate access to over 20 full courses on business, money, self-confidence and more. Each course is filled with hours of trainings, q&as and actionable items to help you master the topic!


NEW! By popular request, we’ll now be adding exclusive audio guided meditations and visualizations to help you ground, center, and connect to the highest version of you.


1-3 hour long masterclasses on specific topics like manifestation, sales, wealth energetics, and more. Deep dive into concepts, learn best practices and get the step by steps to making changes!


NEW! Chiara will now be sharing her personal success routines and the specific journal prompts she uses to move through blocks and accelerate her manifestations. THESE ARE GOLD!


Getting LIVE access to new courses and masterclasses taught in real time as a BoldU member means you also get to attend live Q&As and get your questions answered as you take the programs!


NEW! Quarterly + surprise bonus members only q&as, discounted event tickets, first to know access, and special merchandise discount perks are just SOME of the goodies of being a BoldU member!

plus 30+ hours of masterclasses like these...

In the last 5 years, I have gone from being a struggling single mom with credit cards maxed out, late on rent and the power turned off in the middle of winter, to the owner of a multi million $ brand.

I have gone from being sad, gray and unhealthy to being 35 and the hottest I’ve ever felt in my life.

I have gone from struggling with boundaries, self esteem, and people pleasing to being empowered, taking a stand for my life’s work, and owning the standards and expectations I set in my life.

And not only this, but in the last 5 years, I have shared EVERYTHING I have done for myself and have helped thousands of women do the same.

I share it all.

BoldU is set up as a virtual bookshelf of all things business, money, love, sex, confidence, self expression, branding, dating, and everything else relevant to the life of a woman who’s out to create the life of her dreams. 

So, if you had all this at your fingertips for 2023, what could you do with it? What is the first ‘book’ you’d pull to help you improve your life?